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Central WV Riding Club horse show

Holly Gray Park 401 Co Rte 15/9, Sutton, WV, United States

Come out and enjoy horse shows at Holly Gray Park conducted by the Central WV Riding Club. Events are regularly scheduled, but subject to change. To find a show bill for the horse show, click HERE. Events Dates: May 22nd June 26th July 24th August 21st September 25th October 9th


Retro Country, LIVE! at Braxton County Jamboree

Braxton Jamboree 69 Chapel Rd, Gassaway, WV, United States

Retro Country, live at the Braxton County Jamboree. Enjoy Country music the way it was intended, live! July 2nd, 2021


Burnsville Freedom Fest

Riffle Run 2550 South Main Street, Burnsville, WV, United States

Come out to the Burnsville Freedom Fest at the Burnsville Lake July 3rd to celebrate Independence Day! Enjoy, food, fishing, live music, a car show, and fireworks, all kicking off at 10 AM at the Burnsville Dam/Burnsville Marina!


Tygart Junction, LIVE! at Braxton County Jamboree

Braxton Jamboree 69 Chapel Rd, Gassaway, WV, United States

Tygart Junction, live at the Braxton County Jamboree. Enjoy Country music the way it was intended, live! July 9, 2021


Elk River Summer Float

Elk River Camp and RV 360 Little Buffalo Road, Gassaway, United States

Come out and enjoy the 7th Annual Elk River Summer Float on July 10th, 2021beginning at the Sutton Dam. This 5-mile float is the perfect trip for beginner kayakers or groups with varied skill levels. Registration, check-in and gear drop starts at 9:00 a.m. at the dam. The float officially starts at 11:00 a.m. Come... View Article


Haymond House Ghost Hunt

Haymond House 110 S. Stonewall Street, Sutton, WV, United States

A note from the organizers: Our Ghost Hunts at the Haymond House located in downtown Sutton, West Virginia are not for the faint of heart. Their residual energy is still embedded in these very walls, and the spirits here will let their presences be known. 13 events are unique, structured, small ghost hunting events for... View Article


Haymond House Ghost Hunt

Haymond House 110 S. Stonewall Street, Sutton, WV, United States

A note from the organizers: Our Ghost Hunts at the Haymond House located in downtown Sutton, West Virginia are not for the faint of heart. Their residual energy is still embedded in these very walls, and the spirits here will let their presences be known. 13 events are unique, structured, small ghost hunting events for... View Article


On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky, Meet and Greet

Flatwoods Monster Museum 208 Main Street, Sutton, WV, United States

The film On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky is set to release on August 3rd 2021 on all major streaming platforms and on DVD. To celebrate, the film's director and crew are holding a "meet and greet" at the Flatwoods Monster Museum, located on 208 Main Street, in Sutton W. Va. on July 24th,2021 from 11:00 a.m. until... View Article
