Partner Information

Welcome to the partner page of the Braxton County CVB. This page is provided by the CVB as a resource for area tourism related businesses/organizations and county residents. If you are either of those two things, you are a tourism partner and you’re in the right place!

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CVB Board (link under construction)

2024 Accomplishments

Attraction/business partnerships (below this list)

Events partnerships (below this list)

Who is a tourism partner? (below this list)

Tourism related businesses and organizations

Look over our website and make sure you are well represented. If you aren’t, please don’t hesitate to submit a business listing form HERE! Does your facility have space for brochures or rack cards? Can we display info at your establishment? If so, please let us know. Do you have a promotional piece you would like for us to display at our visitors center? Please bring some by or call us to schedule a pickup.

Do you put on an event in Braxton County and think visitors may be interested in attending? If so, please submit an event listing HERE!

While you’re already submitting your business and event information to us, why don’t you go ahead and submit those details to the WV Department of Tourism, through their partner area, HERE.

Who is a tourism partner?


If you’re a Braxton County resident you may be thinking, “I get how tourism related businesses are a partner, but how am I a partner?” This is how. No one can do more good or harm to the tourism success of an area than the people who live there. You do more for the tourism of this county then you realize. Any time family or friends come to visit you, you increase tourism in Braxton County. Every time you show a guest around the area, you help provide a positive experience for a guest. When they go home, they will tell others how much fun they had while visiting you. A positive first impression is key and you have likely helped many people have a great first impression many more times than you realize. We thank you for that!

You impact your county’s tourism outside of just hosting visitors. You know people who don’t live here, who may have never visited before, and who may never visit without knowing something good about the area first. These people know and trust you. What you say about where you live will determine how they feel about your hometown, county, state, or country. To ensure a more prosperous economy for your county, be sure to help in putting our best foot forward. No place is perfect, and there isn’t one place without it’s own problems and difficulties. The good thing is, we don’t have to dwell on them. Your favorite place to vacation has it’s share of bad news. However, you may not know about them because where you choose to stay and what you do there seldom ever intersect with the “bad”. Help others have positive feelings about your hometown by letting them know about all the good that happens here. We’re not asking you to make anything up. There are plenty of good things to talk about! There must be, because you chose to live here. Why would you stay if there was nothing worth staying for? What are those things? Tell people about them. Some of those things will seem small and insignificant, but we want to assure you, they are important! Good places are usually good for many little reasons. Share your little reasons. They add up!

On this page you will find links resources we have developed to help you understand what it is that we do and how you can get involved. Click HERE to find our partner Facebook page. We developed this just for YOU. We want YOU to follow our page. We want YOU to message us and tell us the good news of Braxton County. We want YOU to help us spread the good news of YOUR area. Own YOUR county. Braxton County is a part of you, and it’s success depends on you. The job of lifting up your area doesn’t fall on someone else. It falls on all of us, so please do your part to be positive and passionate about your county and state.

We have another Facebook page that is primarily intended for a visiting audience, However, we have created the partner page for area residents and tourism partners that will feature some of the same content as the visitor page, but will also show unique info only intended for you to see. If you’ve made it this far, you are a concerned citizen and you are probably interested in being part of a positive change in Braxton County, so be sure to follow our partner page and see how you can interact with us and your tourism industry. Also be sure to read our FAQ’s HERE.

Want to plan a River Float, but not sure where to start? Click HERE for tips and suggestions!